Welcome to the most moderate Muslim nation on earth. Turkey. It's an American ally. It spouts off about democracy whenever it is addressing a western nation or the UN. But when it’s just hanging out with the boys in the neighborhood, the other Muslims, they stand on table tops and scream, Islam, Islam, Islam!
The little Humanitarian flotilla was arranged and directed by them with the help of IHH an outlawed terrorist support network. Founded in 1992 in Turkey and promptly outlawed for its radical behavior and beliefs.
Approximately thirty percent of the people on the ships attempting to illegally break the Israel blockade were for the most part expatriate terrorist sympathizers and radical extremists hiding out in Europe.
The groups behind the financing of the flotilla IHH a turkey nonprofit known for it’s radical Islamic doctrine and for financing Hamas; The umbrella organization, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, known as,The Union for Good, which is also known for its financing of Hamas: and the, Islamic Relief Organization, also a known AL Qaeda Financier.
When the flotilla organizers, The Government of Turkey, was told that they could deliver the goods to Gaza after Israel inspected the cargo, they refused, setting up the boarding incident.
It is interesting when you consider that the flotilla was claiming to be taking Humanitarian aid to Gaza yet there is no one starving in Gaza. In fact, there is plenty of food there. The other major humanitarian relief product would be medical supplies. Yet again, there is no shortage of medical supplies in Gaza. Then add to those facts the Gaza governing factor is living like billionaires, it makes one wonder what humanitarian aid they could possibly be delivering?
When all is considered, the humanitarian aid workers, who knew in advance that Israelis would be stopping them and boarding them, came armed with sharpen steel poles, heavy steal clubs, hand guns and rifles, it hardly sounds like the humanitarian workers that normally escort shipments of food and medical supplies.
The whole flotilla was a prearranged stunt by the Turks to gain political clout with the other Islamic nations. Just at how quickly the Muslims world wide began protesting. Talk about a well organized campaign designed to make Israel look bad which by the way the world press gladly participated as coconspirators out without bothering to check any facts. Not unusual these days.
It is a very telling situation, one which America should be watching very closely and learning all they can from it. The Muslims are using propaganda masterfully and they re acting just like the neighborhood agitators er… rather, organizers do. They and the progressives are following a lot of the same tactics, designed to garner the presses sympathy and baffle a public who lives on sound bites.
Which brings me to the real point of the situation. The Muslims are doing this to Israel today, but they will be doing this game playing to the western powers tomorrow. There is already some happening as we speak. Like claiming they are moderates while refusing to condem the radicals that carry out the terror attacks. LIke building Mosque at Ground Zero and claoiming its a brotherhood center. The guy who is running the whole program is a radical Islamic Cleric who regularly calls for the destruction of Israel and the West, which is US! There is only one way to stop them. Force them out of our country, keep them out of our country, stop buying their oil by producing our own, finding alternative fuels and stop buying their propaganda and start acknowledging that fact that the terrorists are Islamic, we are at war and they need to be killed, so we cn live in peace. They will not stop until we destroy them or they destroy us. Those on the left who think they can be friends with them, are no smarter than the man and woman who thought they could be friends with the bears up in Alaska. The bears after a short period of time, ate them. The Muslims will do the same to their non Islamic "friends" because it is their religion to conquer non-Muslims. Either by converting them or by killing them. The state department clown who claims there are no terrorists and that Jihad is a peaceful pursuit of self enlightenment is an absolute fool aand a traitor. He needs to be arrested for treason because he is aiding the enemy, by misleading the American Public as to the real dangers of Islam and of allowing Muslims into our country.
Wake up America, time is slipping away very fast now and only you can change the course our country is on. It is a path, that leads to our destruction.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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