Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Chris Keys is the authro of the up coming books:  “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!”, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story” and “The Motor Home-God Does Work In Mysterious ways” soon available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine retailers and ebook providers.

It is shocking to me that New York City has allowed a Muslim Mosque to be built at Ground Zero. How insensitive to the families and the nation that lost three thousand sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers that horrible day in September.

The very perpetrators of the crime are behind the building of this mosque. Muslims! No, I do not make distinction between Fundamentalists and Moderates because there isn’t any distinction. I’ll leave the game of renaming the obvious to obscure it to the politically correct cowards. The Muslim mind set is one of bigotry and racism towards all non Muslims and their world view is the same. The world must be one under Allah, be it by coercion or by violence, it matters not which route one uses as long as the outcome is achieved.

They have formed numerous action groups for the betterment of the Muslim community in America. A community that is separated from the rest of American society and one that treats all non Muslims as less than human. These groups include, Cair-Center for American-Islamic Relations-unindicted coconspirator in at least eleven cases of laundering money for terrorist organizations. The FBI has asked repeatedly to arrest the officers of the group, only to have the Justice Department refuse to allow it. The Cordoba Initiative-named after the supposed moderate Muslims of Spain who have been found to treat all non Muslims as less than equals and in a racists manner. They are called Dhimmis as in inferiors. They are taxed substantially more than their Muslim counter parts, refused entrance to parts of the city and denied equal rights and justice by the Muslims who are so moderate. The American Society for Muslim Advancement-according to the Koran that advancement is above and beyond all non Muslims regardless of how it is achieved. Forced servitude-Dhimmis, or thru violence, it matters not how but only that it be done. Plus the MSA-Muslim Student Association, a group of self avowed supporters, of Hamas and Hezbollah, advocating the complete destruction of Israel. These are the so called moderate Muslim groups.

The Imam of the group who is fronting the Mosque at Ground Zero, Abdul Rauf, has made statements like this one in the Australian news paper The Sun Herald, “The United States and the West, must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end” and “Active Western involvement in shaping internal affairs of Islamic Societies have contributed to the creation of terrorism done in the name of Islam.” These are considered moderate statements by the politically correct crowd.

Rauf has also made demands that America follow President Obama’s emphasizing of “A commonality of Western and Islamic values” suggesting that American’s live up to the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, allowing the Muslims to live separately under Islamic law within American Society and that they be given the respect demanded in the Koran as the one true religion.

Rauf has also made no condemnations of Islamic terrorists and in fact, made only a half hearted condemnation of the Fort Hood shooter, saying it was against Islamic Law, when he could have stated that American Muslim’s should be Patriotic Muslims for America, but no he did do that, nor has he condemned the 9/11 hi-jackers. In fact, in light of the numerous references in the writings of the Fort Hood Islamic Terrorist-Nidal Hassan-the same guy Obama refuses to call a terrorist or Islamic, he’s just a homegrown attacker like the Oklahoma City bomber-pointed out more than three dozen verses in the Koran where it states that Muslims must do battle with the infidels forcing their conversion or their death. The Koran is the Islamic Law. It states that Muslims must not kill Muslims unless they have strayed from Islam. So Rauf made no condemnation at all against the Fort Hood shooter. In fact he has written a book “The call from the WTC Rubble” in which he admits to being part of the radical group, The Muslim Brotherhood and according to internal documents of this very same group, it is dedicated to the “eliminating and destroying of Western Civilization from within”.

Yes, the Muslim Moderate is calling for the destruction of our nation and our way of life. It is important to note that Islam is in favor of slavery today and that there are thousands enslaved in the Middle East and Southeast Asia by Muslims. These would be people who refused to convert to Islam or have converted and have sentenced by Islamic law to slavery through actual physical incarnation or through financial servitude-Dhimmis.

It is the politically correct crowd that is leading the way to our National Destruction as they seek out the moderate Muslim of myth and fairy tales. Read the Koran and know your enemy. They are not our friends. They are not someone we can bargain with or even find common ground with. They enslave women and treat them as less than human. They foster slavery and death, as a way of life. They use intimidation to silence detractors and threats of death against those who would dare point out the truth about them. They believe in Honor Killings and forced payment of tribute for passage in their corner of the world, I.E.-Piracy.

These people have no business being near Ground Zero and it is travesty that the City of New York is so afraid of being targeted-which by the way, they are already targeted just by being the number one US city- that they will bend over backwards to please our enemy and be politically correct.

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