Monday, April 26, 2010

In defense of South Park? By Chris Keys

I find myself confused as I write this. I am about to defend the right of the South Park creators to draw whatever, whenever, regardless of what the subject matter is. I have to be honest with you, I don’t watch South Park, I saw five minutes of it many years ago and I never watched it again, too much vulgarity and too much sophomoric humor for my tastes. Recently though, I saw an article on Big that caught my attention. Below is the article.

The crux of the article is that Comedy Central was threatened by Muslim’s with violence because the South Park people were planning on airing an episode where they drew a cartoon of Mohammed. Now in what context the drawing was to take place I’m not aware, but regardless of the context whether it was flattering or outright disrespectful. The South Park people have a right to say it. The hate speech of the Muslim’s towards non-Muslim’s isn’t acceptable, though.

To illustrate the point, all we need to do is look at the Muslim nation’s and their visitation and immigration laws. Most, if not all, will not allow a Christian to move to their country, non Muslim’s are considered dirty and unfit to be among the holy and the righteous. Most Muslim countries will not allow a bible to be brought into their country, as it could be used to deceive the faithful into changing religions. Which is by the way, punishable by death!

The Muslim’s think nothing of making fun or disparaging Christian’s or any other faith, yet they become enraged if someone including Muslim’s make a joke about the main religious figures of their religion.

These same people stand in our state houses and congress or lobby congress, to create laws giving them special dispensation on religious grounds. These laws would give Muslim’s special privileges and rights compared to the rest of us. They would also change our laws making anything that might be said against the Muslim’s illegal hate speech. Ask the Canadian’s who have been sued under the laws that protect diversity up there. The Canadian laws are written in such a way that Christians aren’t given the same protections as the Muslim’s. That is the Islamic influence or dhimmitude, submission to the Muslim’s as they are the only true religion in their opinion.

In America, no one religion is better than another. No one has more protection under the law than others. We all have the right speak our minds in a civil discourse. Unfortunately, far too many of the people who currently hold public offices, have no back bone, no courage and no true sense of the American way. They will allow themselves top be bought for money, in exchange for passing stupid and detrimental laws to the country.

You never hear of a Catholic or Presbyterian threatening to kill a Muslim if he makes fun of Jesus. If fact we as a people would laugh at the people who complained about it. Yet when a Muslim makes that threat, many cower in the corner because the Muslim’s have killed people for the smallest of slights and they are the world’s preeminent terrorists.

I, for one, am an American. I will make fun of anyone and anything, I choose to. I will not be politically correct just because the politician’s are afraid to offend the Europeans or the people in the Middle East who give them campaign funds. Why? They expect us to either become enslaved by them or to submit to their way of life.

These are the same people who bring us, Women in Berka’s and veils. The no education system-where you are taught to read at only a basic level well enough to be read the Koran and that’s it. If you’re a woman not even that. They bring us women who do not drive cars, leave home without a note from their husband, no swimsuit swimming, no unmarried sex, where if a woman is raped, they kill her for enticing the man to do it. The same people who bring us wife beating as an accepted form of settling arguments in the home.

They also bring us terrorists. Oh, not that there haven’t been other types of terrorists, it’s just that currently, over the last twenty five years or so nearly all terrorists acts have been carried out by Muslim’s. Currently we have a president who has ordered that no one in the administration refer to any Muslim as a terrorist or refer to anyone as an Islamic Terrorist. What’s up with that? They are Islamic and they are terrorists.

Through out Europe, the Muslim’s have intimidated the political figures into bending over backwards to accommodate the Muslim’s. In fact the Europeans have been bending over to Muslim’s for several centuries by paying tribute to the leaders so as to limit piracy in the Mediterranean and coastal Atlantic Ocean. Even America still pays the tribute to ensure that oil keeps flowing. America pays hundreds of millions to the terror supporting nations every year. This money is paid as tribute to our Muslim rulers. It is a tax we have no say about and it’s disguised as humanitarian aid, economic aid, housing aid and a whole host of other names. Why would we pay them anything? Oil? We have our own and we need to drill for it. To protect shipping? If we’d bother to protect our ships we wouldn’t have to worry about it. Our government does it because they are afraid of terrorism and piracy and it’s not their money. They are letting some rich tyrants steal money from us so that they might not get shot at or have suicide bombers attack them.

I’m sure some of you would agree with the government as you’re afraid that they will attack us and it’s wrong to go to war with them. After all, we just need to understand what we are doing wrong and then they will accept us. Wrong! I’m willing to bet you believe there are moderate Muslim’s too! Wrong! If you ask a Muslim in America how they would describe themselves, they say they are Muslim American’s. If you ask a Catholic, they say they are American. You have most likely bought the line from the Muslim’s that the terrorists are just a small group of malcontents. Wrong, yet again!

Their religion demands that they strike out against any and all non Muslim’s. Those who do not actually commit the terror, don’t speak out against it, do they. Oh yeah sometimes a Muslim may go on TV and kinda of sort of make the case that not all Muslim’s are terrorists but they will not say that is a despicable act and that all Muslim’s should shun these thugs. No, you won’t hear that. But you will hear, is that they support the Muslim charities that support ending hunger in the Middle East They support it by donating money, an estimated six hundred million from Muslim American’s. The charities once the FBI looks into them, it is discovered every time they are simply funnels to terrorists.

There is no common ground with an Islamic terrorist unless you’re an Islamic Terrorist! You can not stop a terrorist attack by bribing nations or terrorists. You must go to the source and kill it there! You do not stop a bully by running away or begging not to be bullied. You have to stand toe and to toe and punch the crap out the bully. That’s what the Muslim’s are bullies that need have the crap kicked out of them.

What does all this have to do with not drawing cartoons of Mohammed? It’s very simple. By not drawing the pictures, it is a downgrading of our rights as American’s. It is cutting out a chunk of our free speech rights. What will be next, we can’t draw cartoons of the President? Or we can’t question the action’s of the police, military or congress? We as a people have to stop and stand up to these bully’s and our government has to follow our action and do the same. So I’ll be leading by example on April 29, 2010 and I will be posting a stupid drawing of Mohammed on this site and my facebook page. Because you can’t tell me I can’t say what I want to say. This is America and I will speak up and I will call a spade a spade regardless of color. Mohammed is a joke. Look at the people who spend their lives suffering under the Muslim way of life where the rich dictator’s steal them blind and hide behind a religion that is nothing more than a declaration of war and an excuse to make women slaves and any non Muslim slaves. It is a declaration of tyranny disguised as religion so the conquerors can continue in power over those who were conquered centuries ago in most cases. The Saudi’s have even gone so far as to declare themselves protectors of the two most holy sites in Islam in order to try keep the strangle hold over their subjects. Yes they declared themselves, kings!

Why are we giving money to some of the richest countries on the planet? Why would we need to give any aid money at all to them? They have money more than the Swiss could shake a stick at. Their leaders, the one’s the oil money flows to, are all among the world’s richest men and they are all multi billionaires. Why don’t they take care of their people better?

SO on April 29th if you’re a real American, you should be drawing a stupid Mohammed and posting it every where you can. Stand up for our rights and tell the Muslim’s to just go home. They and their sick religion are not welcome here. If you want to be An American. than act like one. If you want to be something else and then an American, Leave! We don’t need or want you here. We aren’t Muslim, we are Christians! It is a Christian Nation live with it! Oh yeah, President Obama, we are a Christian Nation, stop telling the world we are not Christian. You may not be, but we are! And we have the right to speak our minds! Speak yours on April 29th. Tell the world and the Muslim’s we can and will make fun of you and anyone else we find humorous regardless of your threats. Oh yeah, one last thing. In America, only the progressives don’t own guns, the rest of us have a bunch. Bring your jihad by anytime you’re ready to see if you really get seventy two virgins if you sacrifice yourself.

Author Chris Keys the author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and The Motor Home-God does work in Mysterious Ways! Look for all three summer of 2010!


Dan Savage has declared May 20th “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” in defense of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. All freedom-loving Americans should get behind this. While initially I thought it was an ironic joke that South Park was censoring everything related to Mohammed in their last episode, obviously we have seen over the last few days that against the creators’ will, Comedy Central cowered in the face of a thinly veiled Muslim threat.

In fact, submission, the definition of Islam, is the apt word to describe Comedy Central’s cowardice.

The bottom line is that the First Amendment guarantees free speech including criticism of all peoples. We are an equal opportunity offense country. To censor ourselves to avoid upsetting a certain group (in a cartoon no less) is un-American.

It is especially egregious because it represents dhimmitude. We are sacrificing our law and our heritage to Sharia. The law of our land is the Constitution and beyond that the natural law granted to us by our divine creator.

Giving in to Islam at the cultural level is the first step towards going the way of Europe. Just as with leftism, the loss of our values begins not with the politicians but with the public. We must stop this madness now and stand in solidarity against those who wish to destroy our way of life and replace it with theirs. You can try to bully Matt Stone and Trey Parker but you cannot bully a million red-blooded, liberty-loving Matt Stones and Trey Parkers.

Let me end by evoking the words of a great many South Park characters: “If you don’t like America, then you can git out.”

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