Sunday, July 29, 2012

It been a long time since I posted a blog here. In fact I'd forgotten I even had a blog site. I just got bored with the whole idea of having to write about what others found interesting, like celebrities and such nonsense. But I no longer feel I can keep silent about the state of our country.
Have you looked around. I mean really looked around at it? Probably not. You've been too busy watching America's got talent or some other crap. We have major cities decaying into oblivion. What once was our pride and joy, the manufacturing centers of this country are now rapidly be coming ghost towns filled with blite, grumbling infrastructure and buildings. Hundreds of homes sit vacant across the midwest.
Its happening not only in what is referred to as the rust belt but in the south as well and out in California. Sure some Americans are still trying but our government isn't. They've quit on us for some reason and I think it's personal greed since nearly every Senator and Congressman or woman are in the top one percent of earners in thie country. They have the mentality of misers and hoarders and actually think that tax dollars are theirs and tax cuts is stealing from the government. Don't they know that the government is supposed to be the people? Too many of them vote for whatever, without reading what it is they are voting for because they were promised campaign cash in return. Talk about a conflict of interest. Not to mention by any common sense definition, its bribery. I am afraid for my country. it's begining a death spiral as the cities become waste lands controled by crooked politians. In private business when something doesn't work, IE: make money, you change to something else. In the current poltical climate our government isn't working and yet they continue doing the same thing over and over. Why? Just look at the list of donors to the two parties, they keep recieving stymulas money for failed businesses and then turn around and donate back to the political party or the in many cases the current president's war chest for reelection. It's campaign bribery!
Have you noticed that our government doesn't care that our borders are as porus as they were when this country was founded inthe seventeen hundreds. Are we to become the North American Union with Mexico leading the way? Why? They can't even feed themselves or provide jobs worth having, yet our politians keep holding the door open for them and our banks keep laundering their drug money More bribes.
Look, I'm all for legal immigration but this open borders crap, is just that, crap. How many terrorists have crossed into the country and are waiting for the signal to attack? How many? We don't know because our governement won't pay any attention to our boarders. You better vote in November, because your lives depend on it. Just look at what has happened to us it the last three years. Is that what you really want. Governemnt health care, no jobs, no borders, no enforcement of the law if your of a certain skin color and no accountability in Washington. China is buying huge portions of the Rust Belt, why? What does China know that we don't?
There is no nation on earth who can fight a war against us and win, so they are tearing us down from the inside. it's everywhere you look. The Chinesse are buying our land, the Muslims are trying to undermine the government and replace it with Shiria Law-Islamic religious law and the Mexican's are doing all they can to fill the Southwest with Hispanic people so that they can claim squaters rights and let La Raza- a racist group-take over and return the land to Mexico. Which they sold to us by the 1840's look it up. What's next sell Alaska back to Russia? I'm sure the American Tribes would like their land back as well. Get real people, we can't fix what happened hundreds of years ago by destorying ourselves today. The people calling for such action are either stupid, power hungry themselves and think by doing so they will benefit or they are suicidal and should just end it all and let the rest of us alone. Okay, enough complaining, next time I'll make real suggestions that we need to follow if we're going to survive as a nation.first thing will be jobs and taxes. Get ready you won't like it.       Chris Keys