Thursday, December 16, 2010

It must be me!

Yeah I'm still here! I'm still watching the country slowly be toirn apart by our benevolent elitist leaders, Obama, Reid, Polosi and Biden. we can't let our guard down now. Your freedom and and your children's fuitures arew at stake!
I guess it's just me, but didn't the progressives and democrats just over a month ago suffer the largest single sided defeat in American Political history? The American people clearly told congress and the president that they didn't want what they were selling and yet here in the lame duck session the lame duck Democrats, Ried and Pelosi (I know they got reelected by some extremely uninformed people) are doing all they can to pass either through legislation or by non-voting regulations ordered by progressive bureacrats at the FDA, FCC, EPA DOJ, to force us to accept their agenda. Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi are clearly not working for America. They continue to push for they elitist agenda which is clearly designed to destory America as a world power and the one true beacon of light and fredom in the world. Contact your senators and congress people and tell them to stop this #%$#%^. Apparently we have to do more than slap them down to get them to listen. I'm afraid for our country that it will take a shooting war to get rid of these fruit cakes! Chris Keys

Wednesday, October 20, 2010



Despite being a big proponent of networking, I'm finding it isn't a very good or effective tool for selling books. Most of the people on the sites are there to either learn more about writing, to simply socialize or to sell a book themselves. I know it's not what us self-published authors want to hear buy, it's true. Unfortunately to sell books, you have to get noticed by the public. The majority of the public isn't on the social networking sites looking for books. They are reading newspapers, magazines about books, looking over the selection in book stores or glancing at ads they see on their favorite websites, or facebook. The old adage is true. It takes money to make money. So, since most of us aren't flush with disposable income, I would suggest that you do your homework and choose wisely, as they say the best fit for your book. Good luck, because even if you are an extremely good writer unless the public knows about you, no one will be buying your book. Chris

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Speech by Geert Wilders of the Dutch Parliament

For those of you who have been following my exposes about muslins and you may have thought I was just a little bit off, here is a leading European Statesman talking about the Muslim problems the world faces. Here in America we are facing the same problems as they are in Europe, except that ours is a two front war. We also have the hispanics who refuse to assimilate into our society and wave the Mexican flag indefinance of
our laws, traditions and morals.

I've been trying to keep my time at the computer at a minimum, but after reading this one, I felt it certainly should be circulated. As I read through it, the thought stayed with me to check it out with Snopes and TruthOrFiction, although I felt it was true. .Snopes is already listed at the bottom of this email. Seeing and hearing what is going on in other countries and now even in our USA, I see it spreading like thick molasses on a plate, slowly expanding across our country as well. I have Muslim friends. It is difficult for me to think they would think differently than how I know them now. This man, Geert Wilders, seems to have his pulse on the situation in Europe. Perhaps we should pay more attention to what is going on over there AND right here at home, too. This Will Give You Cold Chills! Your California friend.

Geert Wilders is a Dutch Member of Parliament.
Below is the speech of Geert Wilders..Chairman..Party for Freedom..the Netherlands
Speaking at the Four Seasons, New York
Introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem

Dear friends,
Thank you very much for inviting me.
I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe.

First I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe . Then, I will say a few things about Islam. To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem .
The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world. It is the world of the parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration.

All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe . These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe , street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.

 There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe . With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. Clearly, the signal is: We Rule.

Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam , Marseille and Malmo in Sweden . In many cities the majority of the under-18 population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighborhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities.

In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims.

Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal food to all pupils. In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear 'whore, whore'. Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in their (the muslim) country of origin.

In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the same is increasingly true of Darwin . The history of the Holocaust can no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity.

In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many neighborhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a Non-Muslim man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels, because he was drinking during the Ramadan.

Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave of Anti-Semitism since World War II. French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel . I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe . San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.

 Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be threatening if the Muslim-Immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France . One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks. The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide Caliphate. Muslims demand what they call 'respect'. And this is how we give them respect. We have Muslim official state holidays.

The Christian-Democratic Attorney General is willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority. We have cabinet members with passports from Morocco and Turkey .

Muslim demands are supported by unlawful behavior, ranging from petty crimes and random violence, for example, against ambulance workers and bus drivers, to small-scale riots. Paris has seen its uprising in the low-income suburbs, the banlieus. I call the perpetrators 'settlers'. Because that is what they are. They do not come to integrate into our societies; they come to integrate our society into their Dar-al-Islam.. Therefore, they are settlers.

Much of this street violence I mentioned is directed exclusively against Non-Muslims, forcing many native people to leave their neighborhoods, their cities, their countries. Moreover, Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.

The second thing you need to know is the importance of Mohammed the prophet. His behavior is an example to all Muslims and cannot be criticized. Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped into one, there would be no problem. But Mohammed was a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and had several marriages - at the same time. Islamic tradition tells us how he fought in battles, how he had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad.

Let no one fool you about Islam being a religion. Sure, it has a god, and a here-after, and 72 virgins. But in its essence Islam is a political ideology. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means 'submission'. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is sharia. If you want to compare Islam to anything, compare it to communism or national-socialism, these are all totalitarian ideologies.

Now you know why Winston Churchill called Islam 'the most retrograde force in the world', and why he compared Mein Kampf to the Quran. The public has wholeheartedly accepted the Palestinian narrative, and sees Israel as the aggressor. I have lived in this country and visited it dozens of times. I support Israel. First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz, second because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first line of defense.

This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, frustrating Islam's territorial advance. Israel is facing the front lines of jihad, like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and Aceh in Indonesia. Israel is simply in the way. The same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War.

The war against Israel is not a war against Israel . It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us.. If there would have been no Israel, Islamic Imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest. Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.

Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities. But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West. It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values. On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam. They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed. The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything. So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islamization as a 'right-wing extremists' or 'racists'. In my country, the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one policy mistake since World War II. And another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat. Yet there is a greater danger than terrorist attacks, the scenario of America as the last man standing. The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine. An Islamic Europe means a Europe without freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America - as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs. With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to preserve the heritage of Rome , Athens and Jerusalem.

Dear friends, liberty is the most precious of gifts. My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives. All throughout Europe , American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose memory we cherish. My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely its custodians. We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe's children in the same state in which it was offered to us. We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so.

We have to take the necessary action now to stop this Islamic stupidity from destroying the free world that we know.

Please take the time to read and understand what is written here. Please send it to every free person that you know, it is so very important.
Chris keys

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Journey to the Published Land! by Chris Keys

Hello there, it’s been a while since I’ve added a new blog to any site that I’m on and it’s about time I think I to do so. I’ve been quite busy trying to get my first book published and I’m proud to say that I have done it. I am a published author. Perhaps more importantly is the fact that I am an author who is making money from the sale of his book. I’m not wealthy yet, but the book is selling and I’ve yet to get my act together enough to promote it. That book would be, The Fishing trip—A Ghost Story! You can find it at as an ebook, available for most readers or at, Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and several other on line sites and soon, with a little help from readers, your local book store. ISBN#1451588003.

As I mentioned a few months ago, I was embarking on a journey of discovery, the journey that leads to self publishing. It is not a journey for the faint of heart. Don’t get me wrong, you can do it provided you feel strongly, as I did, that you have a story people will want to read. Because it will take an effort, on your behalf to make it happen. So if have such a story, then by all means do it. However, let me explain some of the hurtles you will have to clear on the way.

All of the steps that you have to take when working with a big time publisher you will have to take when self-publishing, plus a few more. There isn’t anyone to make contact with the printer to decide what print size or font, your book will be printed in. There is no one interviewing artists from which to pick the right person to do the cover art. There is no, on staff editors, that will be assigned to work with you. No proof readers to make sure that the book is error free and reads right. Nor is there any guarantee that the one you find on your own, eventfully, has ever edited a book in your genre’ or has ever edited a book at all. The list goes on and on through marketing and distribution to public relations help and more. But let’s focus on the publishing portion.

In the publishing field there are no licensing requirements of any kind. Any one can claim to be a publisher, a printer, an editor, a graphic artist, a proof reader, or whatever. There are no set prices for any of the services offered by anyone. Basically, it comes down to buyer beware. A sad truth about the overall industry is that even if you should become an author the big publishers want. You still need to watch every move they make. The only thing they are interested in is, to make money for themselves. As the writer of the book they are selling, you are an expense to them and everyone wants to keep their expenses as low as possible. Keep that in mind if you ever get the opportunity to sign with a big publisher.

To begin your self-publishing journey you’ll need two things, a good manuscript and money. The actual publishing of your book can be done for free or very minimal cost. The expense comes in when you start preparing a professional product for the market. The first thing you’ll need to find or rather, the first person you’ll need to find is the editor. In my experience, I found this was a difficult undertaking. First, I answered ads in the writing magazines and was about freaked out by the prices the first dozen or so quoted me. They were in the $2000 to $2500 range. At the time I started, I was a proud creator of a 140,000 word monster of a novel. I’d already fallen for the rip off publisher who provided a great deal of praise, while promising to that the book would be published at no cost to me. But before we reached that point, we needed to have the book prepared professionally with critiquing, editing, framing?, another critic and a proof read. This by the way was to be done at my expense. The rip-off started when they asked for just a thousand dollars to help defray the costs of such undertaking and then they started to do the nickel and dime you death routine. It’s only another fifty dollars for this and another for that and another for another and another and another. I had wisely chosen to use a monthly payment plan and had only given them a few hundred when the con started in earnest. What enlight me to what was happening was that I had asked a specific question about my book and what they was as needing fixed and they took three months to respond and then they responded by telling about how had to write better dialog between the two main characters who were having a love affair behind the whole towns back. I haven’t any lovers in my book and when I questioned them in regards to this they stopped talking to me and referred me back to the publishers representative who wondered why I was concerned. As it turned out the publisher’s representative, had never read my book, neither had the supposed editor. Be very careful when dealing with any publisher. Check them out with Editors and Predators on line and with your states Attorney General’s office. The company I had signed with was be investigated for illegal business practices with over 1300 complaints.

In my search for an editor, I was turned down by several editors, simply because it was too big and time consuming. Many didn’t even want to read a few chapters to see just how much work they needed to, they just wanted me to commit to paying the money. Once they had received all the money, they would then begin. Again it was just about the money and had nothing to do with helping me present a better book.

I next encountered the type of editor, who after reading a few chapters, claimed the book was really good but it did some work. They were excited to work with me, but they needed all the money up front, no payments. They were somewhat less expensive so I considered them for a short time but finally passed on them after reading an article in a writing magazine that suggested if the editor was any good they’d take payments.

I next found what I thought was reasonably priced editor, but after they read a few chapters suggested that I get ghost writer, which by the way, they just happened to be. For a somewhat larger fee they’d fix my book so that it was a best seller. Of course they did say they couldn’t guarantee it would sell but all the required items for success would be there. You know the professional style and layout, the proper technical English language and the twists and turns that the big publishers what. I passed, because it is my book my way or it’s their book.

I then came across several ethical people who represented that they felt they were pretty good at editing and that they had published a few books of their own already with minor success. They offered to help me, for a very reasonable fee to get my book in shape. After exchanging several emails with several of them I finally picked one. We worked out a payment plan and went to work.

Here’s the thing. Even though we went to work and we felt we had set a reasonable time frame in which to get the work done, there will always be bumps in that road. Things like your full time job or their full time job might get in the way. A family illness may pop up any eat in to the money you had available to pay them with or someone in their family may become ill, requiring more of their time. You need to be flexible. They are people just like you.

Anyway, we worked on the story for sometime working through the bumps in the road and finally I was, at least I thought, ready. But there was one more step I needed to take before I published the book. It is actually two separate books now, instead one large one. Here’s where it can get very exciting but not in a good way You’ve got a good manuscript it’s been edited by someone, who you trusted and have spent the last few months working with and now, you have to have it proof read, by a third party.

I talked with dozens of other writers and they all assured me that I had to have an outside proof reading. Proof reading is designed to catch all of the typo’s, misspelling, and glaring grammar errors. It is not supposed to be a reedit. You’ll need to watch out for that.

No matter how good you are at writing and reading, you will miss some errors in your book for the simple reason that you have read it and read it and read it. You know exactly what is supposed to written and where. Your mind will skip right over typo’s like leaving out the words to, of, at, or and a. If you have a word that you’ve misspelled from the first day you started writing, one that spell check didn’t catch it. Chances are, you’ll never catch it either. Your mind once again has decided that it right and that’s that.

You need to be careful when hiring your proof reader. They need to have some skill with the English language and it would be good to have someone who has written a book or two, themselves. At the minimum they need to be college educated so that they understand grammar and punctuation. Those are my two worst areas.

It is very important at this stage, that you have a comfort level with your book. You have to believe in it and believe it is a very good story, worth every ones attention. Otherwise you may find yourself hiring someone to rework/reedit your book, because the proof reader made it sound as if the thing was junk. Everyone, for the most part, is operating with good intentions towards you, they want you to succeed but you need to remember they are also out to make money. You have to please yourself first and foremost. I’m going to tell you to listen carefully to what they have to say and then find another proof reader. That way you’ll have second opinion which is critical. Much of what any editor or test reader or proof reader is going to suggest you change is their opinion, especially, when it comes to wording. Punctuation and grammar, I’d just pretty much do as they say, but even here beware, they are not perfect. Of the five editors I did work with over the last three years on both The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! They have all had trouble keeping the context of the story straight when making changes. Every word you write ties to another word you write, when you change the words, you change how they interact with each other. By changing one thing, you could be changing another from current tense to past tense or visa versa, all the way through, or maybe even taking the whole story line in a new direction. Watch your context like a hawk while editing. I have found that the wording in one chapter can change the way the words in another chapter read, which changes everything else. Don’t be afraid to tell your editor, “No, I won’t change that part.” It’s your book remember that!

Once you’ve been thru the ringer over the editing and proofing and deciding if the book is too long or too short, it’s on to picking who you will publish through. There are a few dozen help you self- publish publishers out there and several publish through us, On Demand Printers. The main difference is the help you self-publish publishers, will charge you an upfront fee to shepherd your book through the process and then once it is printed at your expense, they will provide some distribution, mostly to Amazon and then to the lists that the book stores can order from. Then when and if your book should sell, they get a fee from each book for the printing, handling and distribution efforts. They will tell you whether the book should be a hard cover or a paperback. They will tell you what size to make your book. 5x8, 6x9, 10x15 etc. They will tell you how much to charge for the book as well. Yeah, that sounds like a lot work and cost there and it is. But for some people it’s worth it. I may have gone that way if I could have afforded it. The help you self-publish publisher, will recommend an editor, a critiquer, a proof reader, a cover artist and marketing specialist, plus pretty much whatever else you may need all at alacarte rates.

Don’t get me wrong there are a couple of very reparable firms out there. They will shepherd your book through the process and even provide a very important service for the retail market. Book returns in case the books don’t sell. The big book stores will not order books they can not return if they do not sell. As my writing career grows, hopefully, I will more than likely utilize the services of one of the help you self-publish publishers to gain that all important return book policy.

The On Demand Printers are the least expensive way to publish your book. Few charge you anything up front for their services. Of course their services are quite limited. They basically print your book on a demand basis. Print on Demand means, they only print a copy when a copy is purchased. They charge a printing fee and a distribution fee. When all is said and done, this is the place you’ll make the most money per book as a writer just starting out.

The money comes at a cost to you, however. You will have to decide if your going to publish a hardcover or a paperback, (not all on demand printers do hardcovers), you’ll have to decide what price to charge. You’ll need to decide your books size, genre and the market place before you set a price. The On Demand Printer will tell you approximately what it will cost to print your book. Providing you with the inside knowledge of how much they will charge you per book. That includes the printing and distribution costs. I know of a doctor, who has purchased a few hundred copies of his new book and is selling them to patients at a big discount simply because he makes more money by doing so, about four dollars a book, more, than he’d make if he let them buy it from the publisher. By knowing the upfront cost you can know approximately what your royalties per book will be. So you’ll need to do some research when it comes to setting your price. Plus, not all On Demand Printers, charge the same fees so you’ll need to research that before choosing one. If you find one that doesn’t supply those numbers before you publish, run away fast. It’s a rip off!

Ok, you’ve figure out that you’d like to use a certain On Demand Publisher, great. Now your ready to figure out how they want to book formatted in order to mesh with their system for printing. Do they need PDF, PJG, word or something else? Also do you need to format the manuscript to the final book size? If so do you know how to do that? I figured it out, thru trial and error, so you can to or you can hire someone to do it for you. Some of the little pitfalls in the formatting process that I was blindsided by were that I had to format the manuscript to the book cover size. That I had to eliminate all of the space bar spaces, tabs settings, blank spaces and weird punctuation to end of sentences. Luckily, I discovered that most if not all the things, I needed to fix, were fixable through word, if you knew where to look. The part of about formatting to the book cover size, was a total surprise and I still can not find it in their style guide, yet they wouldn’t go to print with it being done. I strongly suggest that you follow their example for the books layout to the letter. Use a copy of their copyright page, with your info substituted, of course. They will be picky.

Now your on to your cover art. I liked the cover art development process. I gave the artist my impression of what I thought might make a good cover and she came back with a great cover based on my concept. What’s not to like? What’s not to like, is the hunting for a cover artist and having gone around in circles with several of them over price, choices, preliminary designs, final JPG files, ownership after the fact and how the money would be paid. No all artists have the same skill level or the same level of imagination. I was at my wits end when I finally found a great one, through a recommendation from a proof reader no less.

An important part of the book cover that is more often then not over looked is the spline. That is the part of the cover that holds the front to the back on the side of the book. But you knew that. The spline is important because it has to be sized to fit your book in between. It’s size is based on the number of pages you have. Let me make this is perfectly clear. You will have an even number of pages. No if ands or butts! Your pages will be counted two ways. First as pages and then as leafs. Leafs are the double sided pages that will make up your book. Some On Demand Printers may require you to have a couple of blank pages in the front and back. Some won’t. Read the printers requirements. Remember the more pages you have the more expensive your book will be.

Other things that you will have to include on or with your books cover. Your ISBN#- on the back with bar code, you can get this number from most On Demand Printers or you can go out and buy it on your own. You’ll need to include your name, the title of the book, maybe a small bit about you the author, maybe a picture and if you have them good reviews. One final comment about your books cover, make sure it is the responsibility of the artist to submit it back to you submission ready. It has to meet the printer’s specs and has to be properly formatted with the proper spline calculation. With out those things, you have pretty picture of no value as a book cover.

Next you’ll be contacting the copyright office in Washington DC. and copyrighting your book. It does cost a little bit but without it, you could face lots problems. Get the copyright. Then you’ll be going across town in DC to the Library of Congress. Here you will register your book with them and with that registry you will have an official book that libraries will stock, if they think its good enough. But with no registry, no library. The good news is that both of these can be easily on line. Do it!

The last really important step in publishing is also the hardest for any of us to over come. It’s also pretty simple. Bill Cosby said, “The quickest way to fail is to try and please everyone. Please yourself, for that is all, any of us can do.” It’s your book, write it the way you like it.

So now you are ready to go to print. You’re only a few short hours from being a published author. If you’ve submitted the manuscript in the proper format, within 48 hours you will be able to order your book. Now the real work begins. What? The real work? Haven’t you just spent three to six months working your ass off? What real work? MARKETING!

As a self publisher you have the responsibility of marketing your own work. If you picked a good On Demand Printer or a good help you self publish publisher you may have some minor help. Many provide the ability to list your work on all of the lists that are used by libraries and stores to purchase books, usually at an extra cost. They provide an E store for book sales and they certainly have you listed on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million and several large on line sales outlets. Your job is to get bookstores to purchase your book to sell to the public and/or to drive buyers to the E stores to buy it. I’ve written at some length about this part of the publishing adventure in the past and will repost those blogs so that you can see how this all runs in context now that I have finally got a book on the market.

Good luck, I hope this was helpful and informative. Just remember, this blog and five bucks will get you a Starbucks.

Your friend, Chris Keys

Write what you know, write it with passion—set the world on fire with your dreams! ChrisKeys@2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Fishing Trip--A Ghsot Story! by Chris Keys

Praise for The Fishing Trip—A Ghost Story!

“I had the pleasure of editing The Fish¬ing Trip—A Ghost Story. Even though my opinion might be slightly biased, I found Key’s colorful characters and gruesome ghouls to be likeable and entertaining; his storyline, enthralling and filled with sus¬pense. A truly chilling (fish) tale that will satisfy the ghost lover in all.”

Kaye Lynn Booth, Writing To Be Read

 The Fishing Trip-A Ghsot Story! My first book is now available from When you use  the coupon code YU39W it's free! This is an ebook that you get right away! paperback is due to be released within a few days. You'll find it at

You will enjoy this book. You won't be able to put it  down! Great ligt weight summer reading! Lots of fun and lots of thrills!

Chris Keys

Monday, July 5, 2010


I'm sorry but this isn't about migration. It is about our national defense, our sovernity. President Obama has time and time again demonstrated that he is uninterested in the the securing of our borders or in putting America first. He pays lip service to national crisis such as the oil spill in the Gulf, while at the same time he's pushing for legislation to put money in his friend’s pockets as well as his own.

But the scariest part of what this man has done to to our country, is that he has declared that the citizen's of Arizona, should simply walk away from a part of their state, our country, that is twenty miles by eighty miles or 1600 sq. miles of the United States of America, because the Mexican drug dealers are shooting at us should we venture into the area. What the $@#@% does he think he's doing? That is American soil which he has just basically abandoned to an invading foreign power! This is an impeachable offense and it should be pressed by the Republicans with the backing of every red blooded American. Take to the streets and demand Obama be impeached!

The Obama Presidency has been a total travesty since it was elected. The man has publically stated he is going to side with the Muslims in any confrontation instead of with America, as his oath of office calls for and demands. Read his book, you'll find it's true and that alone should disqualify him from being in any office because he has lied while taking the oath of office as it charges him to protect and defend America and he is saying he will not do it. Arizona is a prime example of his failure to live up to his oath of office.

Then add in the corruption that just keeps piling up. The Illinois Governor Boyavich selling Obama old senate seat and Obama having others call for himto pressure the governor to give to one of Obama's good friends-Ms. Jarrett who by the way is part of the failed bank Shore Bank which the government is bailing out despite gross mismanagement when every other mismanaged bank is forced to close. But if that happened Obama's buddies would all their investment in the bank.

Then we have George Soros and his staff members who are oil advisors to Obama and who the slow and deliberate foot dragging in the gulf benefits big time thru the transfer of production of oil to the waters of Brazil by a Brazilian Oil company, that is partly owned by George Soros. They are leasing all the well rigs that Obama is forcing to shut down in the gulf. To the EPA closing 1/3 of our oil refineries despite their properly permitted because the EPA changed the rules at Obama's insistence so he can froce thru CAP and TRADE which benefits no one but his friends and family once again. This is the most corrupt and least patriotic of Presidencies that ever was elected. He is destroying this country for his personal gain. Impeach Obama and do it now, for failing to protect and defend America. Impeach Obama!

BY Chris Keys

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Progressives get suckered again! By Chris Keys

Welcome to the most moderate Muslim nation on earth. Turkey. It's an American ally. It spouts off about democracy whenever it is addressing a western nation or the UN. But when it’s just hanging out with the boys in the neighborhood, the other Muslims, they stand on table tops and scream, Islam, Islam, Islam!

The little Humanitarian flotilla was arranged and directed by them with the help of IHH an outlawed terrorist support network. Founded in 1992 in Turkey and promptly outlawed for its radical behavior and beliefs.

Approximately thirty percent of the people on the ships attempting to illegally break the Israel blockade were for the most part expatriate terrorist sympathizers and radical extremists hiding out in Europe.

The groups behind the financing of the flotilla IHH a turkey nonprofit known for it’s radical Islamic doctrine and for financing Hamas; The umbrella organization, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, known as,The Union for Good, which is also known for its financing of Hamas: and the, Islamic Relief Organization, also a known AL Qaeda Financier.

When the flotilla organizers, The Government of Turkey, was told that they could deliver the goods to Gaza after Israel inspected the cargo, they refused, setting up the boarding incident.

It is interesting when you consider that the flotilla was claiming to be taking Humanitarian aid to Gaza yet there is no one starving in Gaza. In fact, there is plenty of food there. The other major humanitarian relief product would be medical supplies. Yet again, there is no shortage of medical supplies in Gaza. Then add to those facts the Gaza governing factor is living like billionaires, it makes one wonder what humanitarian aid they could possibly be delivering?

When all is considered, the humanitarian aid workers, who knew in advance that Israelis would be stopping them and boarding them, came armed with sharpen steel poles, heavy steal clubs, hand guns and rifles, it hardly sounds like the humanitarian workers that normally escort shipments of food and medical supplies.

The whole flotilla was a prearranged stunt by the Turks to gain political clout with the other Islamic nations. Just at how quickly the Muslims world wide began protesting. Talk about a well organized campaign designed to make Israel look bad which by the way the world press gladly participated as coconspirators out without bothering to check any facts. Not unusual these days.

It is a very telling situation, one which America should be watching very closely and learning all they can from it. The Muslims are using propaganda masterfully and they re acting just like the neighborhood agitators er… rather, organizers do. They and the progressives are following a lot of the same tactics, designed to garner the presses sympathy and baffle a public who lives on sound bites.

Which brings me to the real point of the situation. The Muslims are doing this to Israel today, but they will be doing this game playing to the western powers tomorrow. There is already some happening as we speak. Like claiming they are moderates while refusing to condem the radicals that carry out the terror attacks. LIke building Mosque at Ground Zero and claoiming its a brotherhood center. The guy who is running the whole program is a radical Islamic Cleric who regularly calls for the destruction of Israel and the West, which is US! There is only one way to stop them. Force them out of our country, keep them out of our country, stop buying their oil by producing our own, finding alternative fuels and  stop buying their propaganda and start acknowledging that fact that the terrorists are Islamic, we are at war and they need to be killed, so we cn live in peace. They will not stop until we destroy them or they destroy us. Those on the left who think they can be friends with them, are no smarter than the man and woman who thought they could be friends with the bears up in Alaska. The bears after a short period of time, ate them. The Muslims will do the same to their non Islamic "friends" because it is their religion to conquer non-Muslims. Either by converting them or by killing them. The state department clown who claims there are no terrorists and that Jihad is a peaceful pursuit of self enlightenment is an absolute fool aand a traitor. He needs to be arrested for treason because he is aiding the enemy, by misleading the American Public as to the real dangers of Islam and of allowing Muslims into our country.

Wake up America, time is slipping away very fast now and only you can change the course our country is on. It is a path, that leads to our destruction.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Moving to Mexico! Or Not.

A friend of mine on facebook wrote this and it is so perfect. Feel free to pass this along to your friends. Even send it to your local papers. For those of you who don't understand the note. Mexico has laws that say the exact opposite as the note requests and Mexico enforces their law. Only recently, the jail time was dropped because they needed to cut costs. It costs money to feed the convicts. You can not imigrate to Mexico unless you have money to support yourself or you have a job skill they want. Otherwise don't go there. The President of Mexico admitted it to WolF Blitser on CNN when he was here.

Pass this along and hopefully it will helpt to wake up your fellow Americans.1



Today at 5:59pm


Dear President Obama:

I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. Into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements. We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over?

Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.

4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.

5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.

7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but, I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

11.. I plan to fly the U.S. Flag from my house top, put U S. Flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.

13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.

14. I want to receive free food stamps.

15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.

16. I'll need Income tax credits so although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government.

17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.

18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. From Mexico. I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for your kind help. You're the man!!!

Once a Marine, Always a Marine

Semper Fi

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Chris Keys is the authro of the up coming books:  “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!”, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story” and “The Motor Home-God Does Work In Mysterious ways” soon available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine retailers and ebook providers.

It is shocking to me that New York City has allowed a Muslim Mosque to be built at Ground Zero. How insensitive to the families and the nation that lost three thousand sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers that horrible day in September.

The very perpetrators of the crime are behind the building of this mosque. Muslims! No, I do not make distinction between Fundamentalists and Moderates because there isn’t any distinction. I’ll leave the game of renaming the obvious to obscure it to the politically correct cowards. The Muslim mind set is one of bigotry and racism towards all non Muslims and their world view is the same. The world must be one under Allah, be it by coercion or by violence, it matters not which route one uses as long as the outcome is achieved.

They have formed numerous action groups for the betterment of the Muslim community in America. A community that is separated from the rest of American society and one that treats all non Muslims as less than human. These groups include, Cair-Center for American-Islamic Relations-unindicted coconspirator in at least eleven cases of laundering money for terrorist organizations. The FBI has asked repeatedly to arrest the officers of the group, only to have the Justice Department refuse to allow it. The Cordoba Initiative-named after the supposed moderate Muslims of Spain who have been found to treat all non Muslims as less than equals and in a racists manner. They are called Dhimmis as in inferiors. They are taxed substantially more than their Muslim counter parts, refused entrance to parts of the city and denied equal rights and justice by the Muslims who are so moderate. The American Society for Muslim Advancement-according to the Koran that advancement is above and beyond all non Muslims regardless of how it is achieved. Forced servitude-Dhimmis, or thru violence, it matters not how but only that it be done. Plus the MSA-Muslim Student Association, a group of self avowed supporters, of Hamas and Hezbollah, advocating the complete destruction of Israel. These are the so called moderate Muslim groups.

The Imam of the group who is fronting the Mosque at Ground Zero, Abdul Rauf, has made statements like this one in the Australian news paper The Sun Herald, “The United States and the West, must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end” and “Active Western involvement in shaping internal affairs of Islamic Societies have contributed to the creation of terrorism done in the name of Islam.” These are considered moderate statements by the politically correct crowd.

Rauf has also made demands that America follow President Obama’s emphasizing of “A commonality of Western and Islamic values” suggesting that American’s live up to the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, allowing the Muslims to live separately under Islamic law within American Society and that they be given the respect demanded in the Koran as the one true religion.

Rauf has also made no condemnations of Islamic terrorists and in fact, made only a half hearted condemnation of the Fort Hood shooter, saying it was against Islamic Law, when he could have stated that American Muslim’s should be Patriotic Muslims for America, but no he did do that, nor has he condemned the 9/11 hi-jackers. In fact, in light of the numerous references in the writings of the Fort Hood Islamic Terrorist-Nidal Hassan-the same guy Obama refuses to call a terrorist or Islamic, he’s just a homegrown attacker like the Oklahoma City bomber-pointed out more than three dozen verses in the Koran where it states that Muslims must do battle with the infidels forcing their conversion or their death. The Koran is the Islamic Law. It states that Muslims must not kill Muslims unless they have strayed from Islam. So Rauf made no condemnation at all against the Fort Hood shooter. In fact he has written a book “The call from the WTC Rubble” in which he admits to being part of the radical group, The Muslim Brotherhood and according to internal documents of this very same group, it is dedicated to the “eliminating and destroying of Western Civilization from within”.

Yes, the Muslim Moderate is calling for the destruction of our nation and our way of life. It is important to note that Islam is in favor of slavery today and that there are thousands enslaved in the Middle East and Southeast Asia by Muslims. These would be people who refused to convert to Islam or have converted and have sentenced by Islamic law to slavery through actual physical incarnation or through financial servitude-Dhimmis.

It is the politically correct crowd that is leading the way to our National Destruction as they seek out the moderate Muslim of myth and fairy tales. Read the Koran and know your enemy. They are not our friends. They are not someone we can bargain with or even find common ground with. They enslave women and treat them as less than human. They foster slavery and death, as a way of life. They use intimidation to silence detractors and threats of death against those who would dare point out the truth about them. They believe in Honor Killings and forced payment of tribute for passage in their corner of the world, I.E.-Piracy.

These people have no business being near Ground Zero and it is travesty that the City of New York is so afraid of being targeted-which by the way, they are already targeted just by being the number one US city- that they will bend over backwards to please our enemy and be politically correct.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is Nashville Less Important? by Chris Keys

Is Nashville less important? By Chris Keys Author of “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!” The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story” and The Motor Home-God Does Work In Mysterious Ways!” due out summer of 2010.

The rain came down in buckets and the local rivers rose and rose to unprecedented levels in less than forty eight hours. Local residents claimed to have never seen anything like it and now it has created a state of emergency in fifty two counties. Central Tennessee and the greater Nashville area are for the most part under water.

The national weather service has stated that the area received more than 13 inches of rain in the two day period between May1 and May 2. So far the death toll has reached 21 souls. This is by far the worst flooding ever scene in the central Tennessee region and the water still has not receded.

The governor of Tennessee has asked for a declaration of a state of emergency by the Federal government and yet as of this writing, there has been little action from Washington, a total of four counties declared disaster areas. The fifty two counties in Tennessee, covers more than half the state and yet there has been no FEMA reaction team sent to the area that’s been reported. There are no government trailers being rushed in to house the roughly 100,000 have been left homeless and the downtown area of Nashville is underwater. The rough estimate of damages is $1.5 billion.

SO what’s going on? A week after Katrina happened there hundreds of billions allocated to help with the recovery and FEMA had over a hundred thousand trailers in route or on site already to help house the homeless, plus it was busing people to other cities to care for them. Yet in Tennessee, Obama has only declared four counties as disaster areas. Four out of the fifty two that Governor asked for.

The Governor is a Republican. The state voted against Obama in the 2008 elections and it’s a state strongly in favor of the constitution and the bill of rights. Are politics playing a roll in disaster relief? Congress run by the Democrats when Katrina hit, immediately passed bills providing hundreds of billions of dollars for the relief of the victims. Now congress run by those same Democrats, are staling the one bill introduced to provide supplemental funding to FEMA. What’s happening?

Are we now required to be a Democrat to receive help when there is a disaster? Do we need to have a corrupt Senator or Congressman who will funnel money back to the DNC in order to get funding? The accounting of the money fro Katrina is a mess. Lots of the money is unaccounted for, but it’s not media high profile story. Why not?

Why are the people in Tennessee being left to fend for themselves, when the Katrina victims supposedly have received billions. We all know about the Visa cards given the Katrina victims which were used for Plasma TV’s and other luxuries. But then, that isn’t the point, plenty of good people in Nashville have lost everything and yet our government isn’t providing the same level of response as it did for Katrina, their providing a lot less. The Media, which screamed bloody murder that the government response wasn’t timely enough or big enough, has made little of the lack of response to Nashville’s plight. Why? Isn’t the human suffering just as bad as it was New Orleans? Do the people in Tennessee deserve less help by some arbitrary standard? What happened to America taking care of American’s? Is it more important to help the people in Hati, than those who live here? Hati has been a corruption pledged country since its inception and yet the American Government immediately began throwing money and relief supplies within twenty four hours. Yet in Tennessee, they can’t be bothered to help more than four counties. What’s up with that? Seriously, what is going on? Why are we as a country, doing the bare minimum to help our own people? Chris Keys

Friday, May 7, 2010

What happened to the melting pot? by Chris Keys

What happened to the melting pot? by Chris Keys

Author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and The Motor Home-God does work in Mysterious Ways look for them in the summer of 2010

When I went to school I was taught and saw it first hand how the new immigrants to our country were excited to be here and couldn’t wait for the moment they could be considered American. They went so far as to change their names to sound more American. The only ones that did change their name or make the effort to fit in were the Muslims who were growing so quickly in the southeast corner of our city that even the police were hesitant to patrol there. They didn’t observe any of the American holidays other than Labor Day and Memorial Day. Christmas and Easter were major days of disruption and civil unrest as they protested against them as not respecting their religion. Over a few years, they got their way and the city stopped decorating the street lamp posts in half the city. Today I understand, they don’t do any decorating for Christmas or Easter. The current population of my old home town is seventy percent Arab/Muslim/Middle Eastern now.

When I saw the news article about the near student riot in California because nine students wore American flag related clothing on Cinco Demayo, a Mexican holiday, I was appalled! No t that they would wear such clothing, but that the school principle would be so stupid and ignorant as to send the nine students home and threaten to suspend them for disrespecting the Mexican Holiday. Are you kidding me? That clown needs to be fired rigt now! That’s perfect example of political correctness gone complete haywire. How is it acceptable for a group of immigrants in our country, to threaten us because, American citizens are wearing our national colors. This has to be stopped right now. We as American’s were gracious enough to allow them to come live here and they are saying that it’s disrespectful to wear American colors on a day that another country, not this country, celebrates something? You have got to be kidding! How dare they? This America, not Mexico! Cinco Demayo is a good reason to go out and have a beer, just as St. Patrick’s day is, but it is not an American Holiday.

In time, we might embrace the holiday much as we embrace the ST. Patrick’s day holiday but St. Patrick’s isn’t an official American Holiday and if I were to choose to wear an American Flag shirt on ST. Patrick’s day, the Irish wouldn’t be threatening to riot if I didn’t take off the shirt.

As American’s we love a good excuse to party, but we reserve to right do it as we see fit. To all of those who spent May 5th celebrating Mexico, the borders are to the south and you need to back over it asap! When you come here it is expected that you will become American, not be a Mexican living in America. If you want to be Mexican then live in Mexico. I, for one, do not appreciate your coming here and telling us, we have to be respectful of some other countries holiday. This is America, not Mexico! If you’re so enamored with Mexico, what are you doing here? Go back to Mexico!

It is one thing to be proud of one’s heritage. It is another to expect others to bow to your old countries holidays and traditions. When you come to America, it is expected that you will blend in with the other five hundred million or so people be American. Sure there are small enclaves across the country where people of the same ethnic back grounds have gathered to make the transition to being American and that’s find but you get to disrespect America simply because you still long for the old country. If that’s so, leave, we won’t stop you. Go Home!

You don’t see German American’s threatening to riot because American’s don’t celebrate some holiday they had. Nor do you see, African Americans rioting because we don’t celebrate Quansa(?). The Chinese American’s don’t riot when someone wears the American flag on Chinese New Year and I’d be willing to bet that those same students ignore the holidays of other ethnic groups, completely disrespecting them and think it’s perfectly fine to do so.

I’d also be willing to bet that these are the same people who want us to disregard our laws and allow them and the fellow country men to illegally immigrate here. Perhaps they are part of La Rasa who openly advocate for the invasion of the Southwest United States for the purpose of returning it to Mexico. Yet despite this avocation, politicians like Nancy Pelosi will attend their meetings and pander to them so she might a few votes by openly advocating that we not enforce our laws when it comes to immigration. She’ our supposed, Speak of the House, third in line to be President, and she’s out telling people that our laws don’t matter and should be ignored when it comes to the Hispanic.

I can only hope that America wakes up and soon, because we are quickly loosing our country to the mentally ill politicians and the politically correct fools. I, for one, next May 5th will be proudly wearing my red, white and blue and treating it as the second Fourth of July. This America and the only way anyone will respect us is if we respect ourselves and we get rid of the politically correct politicians and display our pride as our fore fathers did. God Bless America!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The latest in the Islamic tolerance parade By Chris Keys

Author of “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!” “The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story” and “The Motor Home-God really does work in Mysterious Ways!”

It wasn’t covered by the main stream media and it wasn’t covered widely by the international press either but it did get a small blurb on Fox News. Iran has outlawed tanning for women. Yep, you read it correctly. If you’re a woman in Iran and you have a suntan you are now considered a subversive and subject to arrest.

Iran is one of the Muslim nations that have in the past allowed its women to dress in a modified Western style, even for awhile after the fall of the Shah. But now for some reason, it has been decided that women can not have tans. Not on their bodies, faces or hands. It has already been a requirement that women wear garments that cover their hair and not accentuate their bodies in any way. Many women wear Berka’s, like the Afghan women under the Taliban.

Under the Islamic belief system women are just objects to be possessed. They have no rights. The husband grants her what little freedom she is allowed and otherwise they must remain indoors and out of site. Sounds like Islam, is so very tolerant of almost everything. As a woman in Iran, should you fail to cover your hair, while outside or around family members you can be thrown in jail. Having a suntan now can get you the same treatment.

I find it mind boggling, that so many American Women are calling for us to be tolerant of the Muslim’s and their culture or simply ignoring the situation. They would be little more than slaves under Islamic law or an Islamic government. They have somehow managed to either turn a blind eye to the practices of real Muslims or they have a delusion that the Muslim’s are not a threat to them. Let me remind them of the real Muslim’s. Honor killings, are what happens to women who embarrass their families either by willingly having a relationship with a man before being married, they are raped, they disobeyed their father or brothers, they’ve actually had sex willingly, considered changing their religion or have a history of not conforming as required by Islamic Law. It is considered a religious requirement to avoid being embarrassed by the person that is less than a son.

Many Islamic nations require the women to wear Berka’s, they must not leave their homes without their husbands or male members of the household’s permission to go and shop for food or any other items. No swimsuits, no makeup, no smoking, no back talk, lightweight skimpy clothing, no swearing, no speaking out of any sort. No voting, no travel unless your husband or other male family members travel with you. No major medical care, no education, no work outside the home and no drinking of alcohol.

And then, there is the punishment of crime under Sharia law. Of which I will admit, I am not well versed, But I do know that the chopping off of hands and heads figure fairly promenade. It’s a very bad thing to steal from the ruling class or family but non Muslims if I understand it correctly are fair game unless they are given the protection of the ruling class. Speaking out against their government is a very good way to get your head chopped off very quickly. So, what’s up with that ladies? Why no outrage? Why the willingness to accept their beliefs? Are you aware that they are actively seeking to gain worldwide domination? Are you aware of how much money they contribute publicly to causes that promote the Islamic way of life? From being depicted as warm and fuzzy in movies and TV, to having more power in the UN, to Islamic terrorists, to infiltrating the Western Governments (we have at least one Muslim in Congress who took his oath of officer on the Koran not the bible, with several members openly supporting the Muslim lobbying of CAIR, (Center for American Islamic Relations) which has been noted by the FBI, as a non indicted co-conspirators in several money laundering schemes which the Justice Department has refused to prosecute. Some of these supporting members are women from the congressional Black Caucus). Yes, members of our congress are openly supporting the people who have sworn to take over the world and aren’t above using terrorism to make it happen. SO, I have to ask, what are you thinking?

Chris Keys

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saudi boycottand gasoline

I din't write this but it is chilling and telling of how we as american's are being robbed by our government who continues to not allow us to drill fooil here.

Why don't we patronize companies who give jobs and pay taxes to us.

You might want to pass this on. I buy 90% of our gasoline at BP ...................but take a look at WALMART. WOW they do it right (Notice where WalMart gets their gasoline!)


Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? In addition, they are gouging us on oil prices.

Shouldn't we return the favor? Can't we take control of our own destiny and let these giant oil importers know who REALLY generates their profits, their livings? How about leaving American Dollars in America and reduce the import/export deficit?

An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia . Just purchase gas from companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis.

Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill up my tank, I'm sending my money to people who I get the impression want me, my family and my friends dead.

The following gas companies import Middle Eastern oil:

Shell...................................... 205,742,000 barrels

Chevron/Texaco.................... 144,332,000 barrels

Exxon /Mobil.......................... 130,082,000 barrels

Marathon/Speedway............. 117,740,000 barrels

Amoco................................... 62,231,000 barrels

And CITGO oil is imported from Venezuela by Dictator Hugo Chavez who hatesAmerica and openly avows our economic destruction! (We pay Chavez's regime nearly $10 Billion per year in oil revenues!)

The U.S. currently imports 5,517,000 barrels of crude oil per day from OPEC. If you do the math at $100 per barrel, that's over $550 million PER DAY ($200 BILLION per year!) handed over to OPEC, many of whose members are our confirmed enemies!!!!! It won't stop here - oil prices could go to $200 a barrel or higher if we keep buying their product.

Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

Sunoco.....................0 barrels

Conoco.. .................0 barrels

0ASinclair..................0 barrels

BP / Phillips........... 0 barrels

Hess........................0 barrels

ARC0.......................0 barrels

Maverick..................0 barrels

Flying J...................0 barrels

Valero.......................0 barrels

Murphy Oil USA*.....0 barrels

*Sold at WalMART> , gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned and produced.

*Not only that but they give scholarships to all children in their town who finish high school and are legal US citizens..

All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.

But to have a real impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers With the help of the internet, it's really simple to do.. Now, don't wimp out at this point....keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at only ten more (30 x 10 = 300)....and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)....and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!!!!!!!

If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it...THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE-the entire population of the United States of America !!!!

Again, all you have to do is forward this message to 10 people. How long would that really take you? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people, within one day all 300 MILLION people could theoretically be contacted during the next eight days

National Day of Prayers

I didn't write this either but a s Christian American i am Offend and angry that the Person in the White has lied about his religion and continues to lie about everything over and over. With this exposure, i now demand as a citizen that the person in the white house present all birth certificates, college records and any other personal records. for I do not believe he is qualified to set in the chair he now occupies!

This is chilling ...



President Truman

established one day a year as a

"National Day of Prayer."



resident Reagan

designated the

First Thursday in May of each year as

the National Day of Prayer.

In June




Candidate Barack Obama

declared that the USA Was no longer a

Christian nation.

This year

President Obama,

canceled the

21st annual National Day

of Prayer ceremony

at the White

House under the rouse

Of "not wanting to offend anyone"

On September 25, 2009

from 4 am until 7 pm,

a National Day of Prayer

for the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill,

Beside the White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims that

Day in DC.

I guess it Doesn't matter

if "Christians"

Are offended by this event -

We obviously

Don't count as

"anyone" Anymore.

The direction

This country is headed

Should strike fear in the heart of every Christian.

Especially knowing that the

Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be

Converted they should be Annihilated

This is not a Rumor –

Go to the website

To confirm this info:

( )

Pay particular attention to the very bottom of the page:


I hope that this Information will stir your spirit.

The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14

"If my people, Who are called by my Name,

Will humble themselves And pray,

And seek my face, and Turn from their Wicked ways,

Then will I hear from Heaven

And will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land."

We must pray for Our nation, our communities,

Our families, and especially our children.

They are the ones that are going to suffer the most

If we don't PRAY!

May God have Mercy...


Please pass this on,

Maybe someone, somehow can figure out a way to put America

back on the map as it was when we were growing up,

a safe place to live and by

The Ten Commandments and Pledge of Allegiance.

Health Care and the constitution

No I did write this informamtion but as a very patriotic American I felt I had to past the information to you. for too long we the people have been silent while the kookys and nut jobs have infiltarted our government and now they are about to steal our rights making us in to dictatorship, unless we stop them. Read it believe it and pass it on. The clowns in Washington have to go and go now! Not just some but all of them!

Snopes says correctly attributed says this is the opinion of a respected constitutional attorney......


A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed health care bill. Read his conclusions and pass this on as you wish. This is stunning!

Please take the time to read this and forward it out as you see fit. Thanks

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Michael Connelly, Ret. Constitutional Attorney

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.

To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.

The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business, and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled by the government.

However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.

The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people, and the businesses they own.

The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with! I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.

This legislation also provides for access, by the appointees of the Obama administration, of all of your personal healthcare direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivionregardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.

If you decide not to have healthcare insurance, or if you have private insurance that is not deemed acceptable to the Health Choices Administrator appointed by Obama, there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a tax instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However , that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax,it is definitely depriving someone of property without the due process of law.

So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much, out the original ten in the Bill of Rights, that are effectively nullified by this law It doesn't stop there though.

The 9th Amendment that provides: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;

The 10th Amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.

I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights. Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution." If I was a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it, without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway, I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.

For those who might doubt the nature of this threat, I suggest they consult the source, the US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly

Retired attorney,

Constitutional Law Instructor

Carrollton , Texas


If you don't care about our constitution, or your rights under it, just do nothing.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SO Now What? by Chris Keys

So now what? By Chris Keys author of the soon to be released “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!” And “The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story” due out summer of 2010

So, now what? What you haven’t been paying attention and you not sure what it is I’m talking about? Well let me enlighten you.

A couple of weeks ago now, Ning, the leader in free social networking sites, decided to change its business model. They are going to shutdown the hundreds of free social networking sites in favor of offering only Premium pay for use sites.

Now, I personally do not administer a Ning social site but I do belong to about thirty of them. The social sites are a major portion of my marketing plan and without them. Leaving me, like you, having to figure out where to go from here.

I know one of my sites is moving to Face Book and still another is quickly developing their own website where the members can interact. While a few, are just folding up their tent and calling it a day. With just one so far opting to switch to an upstart website provider, I guess that is what they are called, So as a member of these sites I’m wondering, what I can do to market myself now. Where ever the sites go that you care about, you need to go too. Follow the site as it evolves into whatever comes next on the world wide, web.

Your sites for blogging will most likely remain in existence and so your blog is that much more important. So I’ll still keep blogging and you should too. Your blog can be used as a place to post updates on the books you’ll be writing. They can be part of the blog or the whole blog, plus you can post updates and excerpts to the notes page of Face Book.

If you have a book out already and you do not have a fan page on Face Book get one. For those of us about to have a book or are working on it…work faster and then get a fan page on Face Book I know, I have the same feeling. Isn’t a bit presumptuous to get a fan page? What if they don’t like the book? There is an old adage, “You have to fake it, until you make it!” Yes, I said fake it. If you want to b a best selling author or a household name or even make a living at writing, then you have believe enough in yourself to act like you belong on the list with other best sellers. Lots of celebrities have fan clubs and many have fan pages on Face Book. These are easy to create. The trick will be developing a fan base who actually buys your book. That is another blog for another time after I’ve actually managed to sell a few books. It’ll happen and it’s coming soon. But back to the subject once you’ve got a face book page and fan page then do what you have to get followers. I suggest that you read a friend mines blog posting, “Marketing Tips for Authors” by Tony Eldridge. His url is He has a blog currently 4/28/10 about the very subject of building a Face Book following and selling more books. You need to read this.

Then in addition, you’ll need to develop you own website, being sure to spend the money, or at least as much as you can afford to, to maximize your search engine presence. Your website will need to be the best you can make it with pictures, bio of you, the author; your comments about your books and other authors books; reviews of both, and you’ll need to even more now develop relationships with other authors to create a solid word of mouth advertising campaign and links and hyperlinks between your site and theirs. And last but not the least by far, you’ll need to repeatedly ask the customer to buy your book(s). I’ll blog soon about how to ask without getting too pushy which will chase away your reader. My own website site is in the process of development. It’s a free site for the initial time period and then it’ll cost me. There are several where you can get started for free. The draw back to free sites is you’re limited to what the template allows. Ideally, I would think you’d want your own site, one that you can control, from what is seen on it, to how it is presented and where. You’ll want to control the number of ads that you run on it, as well as having the profit from running the ads come to you not the web host or Goggle. So investigate the costs involved with having an independent site and if it makes financial sense for you do it. If you’re like me poor or cheap, than start with the cheap website until you can afford more or want more. Just remember to always ask for the sale. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

You’ll need to develop your twitter site. Yeah, I hear you. I’m in the same boat. I find myself struggling to say anything with the limited number of words I can use. So I’ll have to discover the inter-man of few words so that I might be able to develop a following. I strongly suggest though that you read, From Miller Mosaic Power Marketing-“What you should know about using Twitter effectively and Strategically, plus, Tony Eldridge’s-“Conducting effective Twitter Contests” These are both on my to buy list as soon as I have the cash so that I can be an effective user of Twitter.

The next thing that we’ll all need to do is develop our Amazon pages to their fullest potential. There are several sites on the net that offer to help you do this but I haven’t had a chance to explore them so I won’t make any recommendations. I will however, be getting a Amazon page of my own soon, I hope, and I’ll be blogging about it, when it happens.

So there it is! That’s what I think is what we do now that Ning is going away. Who knows maybe this will open up whole new horizons on the net or maybe it’ll be a real bummer. I don’t know and to be honest, I don’t acre. I just want to find the best way to sell my books. You now if you read any of my blogs before, Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! Or The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story the whole family can read this one. Reprisal! Not s much.

Good luck and God Bless until next time, Chris Keys

Monday, April 26, 2010

In defense of South Park? By Chris Keys

I find myself confused as I write this. I am about to defend the right of the South Park creators to draw whatever, whenever, regardless of what the subject matter is. I have to be honest with you, I don’t watch South Park, I saw five minutes of it many years ago and I never watched it again, too much vulgarity and too much sophomoric humor for my tastes. Recently though, I saw an article on Big that caught my attention. Below is the article.

The crux of the article is that Comedy Central was threatened by Muslim’s with violence because the South Park people were planning on airing an episode where they drew a cartoon of Mohammed. Now in what context the drawing was to take place I’m not aware, but regardless of the context whether it was flattering or outright disrespectful. The South Park people have a right to say it. The hate speech of the Muslim’s towards non-Muslim’s isn’t acceptable, though.

To illustrate the point, all we need to do is look at the Muslim nation’s and their visitation and immigration laws. Most, if not all, will not allow a Christian to move to their country, non Muslim’s are considered dirty and unfit to be among the holy and the righteous. Most Muslim countries will not allow a bible to be brought into their country, as it could be used to deceive the faithful into changing religions. Which is by the way, punishable by death!

The Muslim’s think nothing of making fun or disparaging Christian’s or any other faith, yet they become enraged if someone including Muslim’s make a joke about the main religious figures of their religion.

These same people stand in our state houses and congress or lobby congress, to create laws giving them special dispensation on religious grounds. These laws would give Muslim’s special privileges and rights compared to the rest of us. They would also change our laws making anything that might be said against the Muslim’s illegal hate speech. Ask the Canadian’s who have been sued under the laws that protect diversity up there. The Canadian laws are written in such a way that Christians aren’t given the same protections as the Muslim’s. That is the Islamic influence or dhimmitude, submission to the Muslim’s as they are the only true religion in their opinion.

In America, no one religion is better than another. No one has more protection under the law than others. We all have the right speak our minds in a civil discourse. Unfortunately, far too many of the people who currently hold public offices, have no back bone, no courage and no true sense of the American way. They will allow themselves top be bought for money, in exchange for passing stupid and detrimental laws to the country.

You never hear of a Catholic or Presbyterian threatening to kill a Muslim if he makes fun of Jesus. If fact we as a people would laugh at the people who complained about it. Yet when a Muslim makes that threat, many cower in the corner because the Muslim’s have killed people for the smallest of slights and they are the world’s preeminent terrorists.

I, for one, am an American. I will make fun of anyone and anything, I choose to. I will not be politically correct just because the politician’s are afraid to offend the Europeans or the people in the Middle East who give them campaign funds. Why? They expect us to either become enslaved by them or to submit to their way of life.

These are the same people who bring us, Women in Berka’s and veils. The no education system-where you are taught to read at only a basic level well enough to be read the Koran and that’s it. If you’re a woman not even that. They bring us women who do not drive cars, leave home without a note from their husband, no swimsuit swimming, no unmarried sex, where if a woman is raped, they kill her for enticing the man to do it. The same people who bring us wife beating as an accepted form of settling arguments in the home.

They also bring us terrorists. Oh, not that there haven’t been other types of terrorists, it’s just that currently, over the last twenty five years or so nearly all terrorists acts have been carried out by Muslim’s. Currently we have a president who has ordered that no one in the administration refer to any Muslim as a terrorist or refer to anyone as an Islamic Terrorist. What’s up with that? They are Islamic and they are terrorists.

Through out Europe, the Muslim’s have intimidated the political figures into bending over backwards to accommodate the Muslim’s. In fact the Europeans have been bending over to Muslim’s for several centuries by paying tribute to the leaders so as to limit piracy in the Mediterranean and coastal Atlantic Ocean. Even America still pays the tribute to ensure that oil keeps flowing. America pays hundreds of millions to the terror supporting nations every year. This money is paid as tribute to our Muslim rulers. It is a tax we have no say about and it’s disguised as humanitarian aid, economic aid, housing aid and a whole host of other names. Why would we pay them anything? Oil? We have our own and we need to drill for it. To protect shipping? If we’d bother to protect our ships we wouldn’t have to worry about it. Our government does it because they are afraid of terrorism and piracy and it’s not their money. They are letting some rich tyrants steal money from us so that they might not get shot at or have suicide bombers attack them.

I’m sure some of you would agree with the government as you’re afraid that they will attack us and it’s wrong to go to war with them. After all, we just need to understand what we are doing wrong and then they will accept us. Wrong! I’m willing to bet you believe there are moderate Muslim’s too! Wrong! If you ask a Muslim in America how they would describe themselves, they say they are Muslim American’s. If you ask a Catholic, they say they are American. You have most likely bought the line from the Muslim’s that the terrorists are just a small group of malcontents. Wrong, yet again!

Their religion demands that they strike out against any and all non Muslim’s. Those who do not actually commit the terror, don’t speak out against it, do they. Oh yeah sometimes a Muslim may go on TV and kinda of sort of make the case that not all Muslim’s are terrorists but they will not say that is a despicable act and that all Muslim’s should shun these thugs. No, you won’t hear that. But you will hear, is that they support the Muslim charities that support ending hunger in the Middle East They support it by donating money, an estimated six hundred million from Muslim American’s. The charities once the FBI looks into them, it is discovered every time they are simply funnels to terrorists.

There is no common ground with an Islamic terrorist unless you’re an Islamic Terrorist! You can not stop a terrorist attack by bribing nations or terrorists. You must go to the source and kill it there! You do not stop a bully by running away or begging not to be bullied. You have to stand toe and to toe and punch the crap out the bully. That’s what the Muslim’s are bullies that need have the crap kicked out of them.

What does all this have to do with not drawing cartoons of Mohammed? It’s very simple. By not drawing the pictures, it is a downgrading of our rights as American’s. It is cutting out a chunk of our free speech rights. What will be next, we can’t draw cartoons of the President? Or we can’t question the action’s of the police, military or congress? We as a people have to stop and stand up to these bully’s and our government has to follow our action and do the same. So I’ll be leading by example on April 29, 2010 and I will be posting a stupid drawing of Mohammed on this site and my facebook page. Because you can’t tell me I can’t say what I want to say. This is America and I will speak up and I will call a spade a spade regardless of color. Mohammed is a joke. Look at the people who spend their lives suffering under the Muslim way of life where the rich dictator’s steal them blind and hide behind a religion that is nothing more than a declaration of war and an excuse to make women slaves and any non Muslim slaves. It is a declaration of tyranny disguised as religion so the conquerors can continue in power over those who were conquered centuries ago in most cases. The Saudi’s have even gone so far as to declare themselves protectors of the two most holy sites in Islam in order to try keep the strangle hold over their subjects. Yes they declared themselves, kings!

Why are we giving money to some of the richest countries on the planet? Why would we need to give any aid money at all to them? They have money more than the Swiss could shake a stick at. Their leaders, the one’s the oil money flows to, are all among the world’s richest men and they are all multi billionaires. Why don’t they take care of their people better?

SO on April 29th if you’re a real American, you should be drawing a stupid Mohammed and posting it every where you can. Stand up for our rights and tell the Muslim’s to just go home. They and their sick religion are not welcome here. If you want to be An American. than act like one. If you want to be something else and then an American, Leave! We don’t need or want you here. We aren’t Muslim, we are Christians! It is a Christian Nation live with it! Oh yeah, President Obama, we are a Christian Nation, stop telling the world we are not Christian. You may not be, but we are! And we have the right to speak our minds! Speak yours on April 29th. Tell the world and the Muslim’s we can and will make fun of you and anyone else we find humorous regardless of your threats. Oh yeah, one last thing. In America, only the progressives don’t own guns, the rest of us have a bunch. Bring your jihad by anytime you’re ready to see if you really get seventy two virgins if you sacrifice yourself.

Author Chris Keys the author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and The Motor Home-God does work in Mysterious Ways! Look for all three summer of 2010!


Dan Savage has declared May 20th “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” in defense of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. All freedom-loving Americans should get behind this. While initially I thought it was an ironic joke that South Park was censoring everything related to Mohammed in their last episode, obviously we have seen over the last few days that against the creators’ will, Comedy Central cowered in the face of a thinly veiled Muslim threat.

In fact, submission, the definition of Islam, is the apt word to describe Comedy Central’s cowardice.

The bottom line is that the First Amendment guarantees free speech including criticism of all peoples. We are an equal opportunity offense country. To censor ourselves to avoid upsetting a certain group (in a cartoon no less) is un-American.

It is especially egregious because it represents dhimmitude. We are sacrificing our law and our heritage to Sharia. The law of our land is the Constitution and beyond that the natural law granted to us by our divine creator.

Giving in to Islam at the cultural level is the first step towards going the way of Europe. Just as with leftism, the loss of our values begins not with the politicians but with the public. We must stop this madness now and stand in solidarity against those who wish to destroy our way of life and replace it with theirs. You can try to bully Matt Stone and Trey Parker but you cannot bully a million red-blooded, liberty-loving Matt Stones and Trey Parkers.

Let me end by evoking the words of a great many South Park characters: “If you don’t like America, then you can git out.”

The Basics of Marketing Your Book by Chris Keys-Author of The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!

I’d like to thank for allowing me to subject you…er, rather allowing me this opportunity share with you my limited expertise in the field of book marketing. However, I do have over twenty five years of experience in the field of self promotion, and marketing of small businesses on less than shoe string budgets. My latest opportunity to practice my skills in self promotion and small business marketing is with my own writing career.

What? Did I just say, “Self promotion and small business marketing in the same sentence as writing career?” What? This is usually followed by the standard line of, “I’m not in business, I’m a writer!”

I’ve heard that line only a few hundred dozen times and I’ve only been blogging about the subject about six months. What many would be writers don’t realize is that writing is a business. A small business with potential of being a very big profit maker, but few of us go into writing worrying about how much money we’ll make writing our poems, short stories or even novels. We go into writing because we believe we have something to say or we can help people or we just have great story to tell. But the house hold names from the literary field, Grisham, Clancy, King, Roberts, Cussler, and several dozen more, did go into it realizing up front they wanted top make a living writing books and they approached it that way.

As a non household name, you need to stop and first of all, decide where you see your writing going. Do you see it as just a hobby or would you really like to have it make so much money you could quit your day job and write full time. For simplicity, we’ll assume that you want to be a household name. You want to be read in mass by the public and you want to be showered with acclaim as the next great literary genius. You just know you can stand on top of Hemingway and crush him…sorry. I get carried away when I start thinking about how my new novel due out this summer titled “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!” could be the next great American novel.

But let’s get back on track here. You want to be more than just someone who hides in the spare room, yelling at the kids now and then to be quiet, with a shelf full of manuscripts that need dusting. This is where self promotion and marketing come in.

Sending off your manuscript to a publisher for their consideration is self promotion. It is also marketing. You’re getting your name out in front of the publishing company’s gate keeper, the person who does a cursory review of your manuscript and decides if it gets a closer look by someone else higher up the food chain. It is also marketing, in the most minimal of ways because your asking them to buy to your book. Maybe they will, but in the current market place, they probably won’t. The market is just too packed with good and or great stories and the only ones given serious consideration without the author providing proof of a following, by way of a career in the writing field in non fiction, such as reporting or commentary are celebrities. The Paris Hilton’s of the world or rock stars, former politicians and movie stars. If your not one of those people it doesn’t mean you can’t grow that following, create that buzz about your book or you can’t make money from your book. It just means you have to get serious, about self promotion and marketing.

Three paragraphs back, I joked about my desire to be a household name and of standing on top of Hemingway to get there, you of course groaned, but I got the name of my upcoming book in front of you. Quick what’s it called? Made you look. That’s a marketing ploy for getting the title of your work known. The New York ad men don’t usually use that style of plug when they do their multimillion dollar budget ads but then I’m on half a shoe string and even that maybe more than my budget can stand. The whole idea is to get exposure for you as a writer and for what you have written.

Everything you do, from this moment forward needs to be directed at developing a following for you, and here is a very basic plan for doing that. I can expand upon the different ideas here later, after you’ve enjoyed some minor success following the plan and have tuned your mind to the required setting to be able to shamelessly plug your book without making too many people barf and run away. That’s the real trick, doing it in a way that no one realizes it’s happened. I hereby claim the coinage of the name, “Stealth Marketing” But that’s only part of the plan.

Things you’ll need in order to be serious about marketing yourself and your book start with joining social networking sites. It’s easy and painless so just jump right in and start posting your opinions. Be sure to join a few of the sites to start with and then change sites, add some, lose some as you grow in confidence that you can write well enough to get your point across. That’s what the sites are for. Writing practice! So practice.

Then you want to get yourself set up with a blog. I was very hesitant to start blogging, myself. I knew it was a good way to get people to know about my work but I had no idea what I would write about. I knew I had a good story and I thought I had a publisher, so I wasn’t in any big hurry to blog.

Then my publishers announced that they wanted me blogging. They didn’t care where I did it, just that I did it. It was one of the ways they wanted me to get exposure and it was hoped that after a while, I’d develop a following. It was part of their marketing plan for any books they published. So get blogging. I’m currently blogging on Blogspot., check me out and become a follower. It’s a very easy site to set up your blog on. You can also get paid to blog and there are several sites where you can do that. A couple of pay per blog sites are,,, and They will all pay depending upon the number of hits your blog receives.

One of the biggest social websites is Face Book. You’ll want to be setup there, for sure. Once you’ve opened your Face Book page you’ll want to start seeking as many friends as you can get. One of the ways I’ve been able to develop friends on Face Book is to ask friends that I already have to recommend friends that I can ask to be friends. On Face Book, you’ll post your excerpts, blogs, info about you and your writings. Don’t get too personal but do try to provide some insight into the inner workings of your creativity.

Then you’ll want to open a twitter account. I have to confess, I’m struggling with twitter. I’m unsure what to talk about and how to limit my word usage to 140 characters. After all I was politician and I am trained to expound upon a subject until at least fifty percent of the audience falls a sleep. I have trouble being brief, but I’m a reformed politician. Really I am. Honest you can trust me. To get a good handle on twitter, I’d suggest you check out a web friend of mine, Tony Eldridge, author of, “The Samson Effect” soon to be a major motion picture. He has a website dealing with marketing for authors, titled “Marketing tips for Authors”. I whole heartily recommend you sign up for his news letter, lots of great marketing tips.

You will next need to develop your own website. Yep, you need a website. It’s not as hard as it seems. There are several free website building sites and many, when they do charge for hosting are very inexpensive. Mine currently is only five dollars a month. I’m using

There are dos and don’ts, to having a website. A few of the major things to keep in mind: Your website needs to be user friendly and it needs ask the reader to buy your book(s), blog collections and /or your branded collectables. Yes, your website will be your book store, where you’ll sell your books and maybe posters, coffee cups, ball caps, pen sets etc. plus you’ll post excerpts from your books, info about yourself, maybe links with other authors and ads from Google and Yahoo to help pay for your host fees.

There are going to be some expenses in promoting yourself and your book for things like travel to book signings, book trailer video, book marks with your info, picture, book title and or other info you see fit to put on it, editing, book covers and listings on the right lists to insure that your book(s) are available to libraries and the major booksellers.

Now some of these costs you’ll avoid if you are lucky enough to get a traditional publishing contract but if your like the vast majority of us new writers, you’ll be self publishing until you develop enough of a following to ensure a strong likelihood that the publishers will make money off your book. By then though, you may not want to be with a publisher who is only willing to pay you 20% of the profit when you can get 85% of the profit when self publishing. Just a little something to remember as your writing career develops.

You’ll also want to learn all you can about virtual book tours, developing links with other authors by helping to promote them with blurbs about them and their books. Most of the other authors will gladly trade blurbs, which helps both of you. You need to develop friendly relationships with as many other authors as possible. Your success, as well as theirs, is dependent upon getting as many other people talking about you and your work as possible. Don’t worry if the other authors are new or old pro’s, because you never know who someone else knows, and who they might introduce to your writing, and where that might go.

I’ve mentioned a number of things so far and none of it is too taxing on your time or your wallet, but you still have couple of things to do. The last clear marketing item you need to be aware of needing to do, is also the first thing that you need to do -- ask for the sale! Ask on your blog, on your website, on your book marks, your book covers your email, your social interaction sites, everywhere. If you don’t ask, you won’t get. There are a few ways to ask for the sale, and it takes a mix of the methods to be successful in making the sale. Those ways are, directly, indirectly and the stealth way. To be honest, the stealth way is part of the indirect way. The direct way is when you come out and just ask some to buy your book. You know, “Hey, you should buy my book.” The indirect way is showing the picture of your book cover with a note about how you can use pay pal to buy it. The stealth way is showing a picture of your book cover and have a person reading it with a big smile on their face. You don’t actually ask them to buy it, but infer they will be happy if they do. Which if you have really good vision, that’s exactly what I’m doing in the background of this very page. There is a good looking man or woman, which ever works for you and their reading my newest story, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and they’re wearing a great big smile. Well ok that’s not quite true, well actually it’s a lie but you get the general idea right?

So now you have the very basics for developing your self promotion and marketing plan, destined to make you a household name and get your books read by the largest possible number of readers, except for the actual book itself. When you get ready to publish, you need to be sure you are offering the very best possible product you can. Make sure you have had the work professionally edited, that the cover art is very professional, that the books layout is crisp clean and easy to read and that story itself is one that’s worth while for someone other than you to read. Five hundred pages about how your pet frog likes to eat fruit flies, instead of house flies just won’t draw as many readers as a rags to riches story of a handicapped individual who overcomes impossible odds to become the President, and then the U.N.’s leader, when all hostilities ended between Arabs and Israelis. If the work you’re selling isn’t very well written, or the story isn’t compelling, then at best you’ll only sell a few copies even if you have the absolute greatest marketing campaign ever conceived. The word of mouth of how bad it is will kill it. Unless of course that’s the niche you’re trying to fill, then maybe by telling people it’s so bad they need to read it, just might be the best way to market it.

Thanks for enduring, Chris Keys the author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and The Motor Home-God Does Work in Mysterious Ways! Look for all three books this summer as Ebooks and POD’s. Follow Chris on Blogspot, Facebook and Twitter, as well as, Writer’s World.

Books are what is meant to fill the space between your ears! You should read one or all of mine! **********