Friday, May 7, 2010

What happened to the melting pot? by Chris Keys

What happened to the melting pot? by Chris Keys

Author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!, The Fishing Trip-A Ghost Story and The Motor Home-God does work in Mysterious Ways look for them in the summer of 2010

When I went to school I was taught and saw it first hand how the new immigrants to our country were excited to be here and couldn’t wait for the moment they could be considered American. They went so far as to change their names to sound more American. The only ones that did change their name or make the effort to fit in were the Muslims who were growing so quickly in the southeast corner of our city that even the police were hesitant to patrol there. They didn’t observe any of the American holidays other than Labor Day and Memorial Day. Christmas and Easter were major days of disruption and civil unrest as they protested against them as not respecting their religion. Over a few years, they got their way and the city stopped decorating the street lamp posts in half the city. Today I understand, they don’t do any decorating for Christmas or Easter. The current population of my old home town is seventy percent Arab/Muslim/Middle Eastern now.

When I saw the news article about the near student riot in California because nine students wore American flag related clothing on Cinco Demayo, a Mexican holiday, I was appalled! No t that they would wear such clothing, but that the school principle would be so stupid and ignorant as to send the nine students home and threaten to suspend them for disrespecting the Mexican Holiday. Are you kidding me? That clown needs to be fired rigt now! That’s perfect example of political correctness gone complete haywire. How is it acceptable for a group of immigrants in our country, to threaten us because, American citizens are wearing our national colors. This has to be stopped right now. We as American’s were gracious enough to allow them to come live here and they are saying that it’s disrespectful to wear American colors on a day that another country, not this country, celebrates something? You have got to be kidding! How dare they? This America, not Mexico! Cinco Demayo is a good reason to go out and have a beer, just as St. Patrick’s day is, but it is not an American Holiday.

In time, we might embrace the holiday much as we embrace the ST. Patrick’s day holiday but St. Patrick’s isn’t an official American Holiday and if I were to choose to wear an American Flag shirt on ST. Patrick’s day, the Irish wouldn’t be threatening to riot if I didn’t take off the shirt.

As American’s we love a good excuse to party, but we reserve to right do it as we see fit. To all of those who spent May 5th celebrating Mexico, the borders are to the south and you need to back over it asap! When you come here it is expected that you will become American, not be a Mexican living in America. If you want to be Mexican then live in Mexico. I, for one, do not appreciate your coming here and telling us, we have to be respectful of some other countries holiday. This is America, not Mexico! If you’re so enamored with Mexico, what are you doing here? Go back to Mexico!

It is one thing to be proud of one’s heritage. It is another to expect others to bow to your old countries holidays and traditions. When you come to America, it is expected that you will blend in with the other five hundred million or so people be American. Sure there are small enclaves across the country where people of the same ethnic back grounds have gathered to make the transition to being American and that’s find but you get to disrespect America simply because you still long for the old country. If that’s so, leave, we won’t stop you. Go Home!

You don’t see German American’s threatening to riot because American’s don’t celebrate some holiday they had. Nor do you see, African Americans rioting because we don’t celebrate Quansa(?). The Chinese American’s don’t riot when someone wears the American flag on Chinese New Year and I’d be willing to bet that those same students ignore the holidays of other ethnic groups, completely disrespecting them and think it’s perfectly fine to do so.

I’d also be willing to bet that these are the same people who want us to disregard our laws and allow them and the fellow country men to illegally immigrate here. Perhaps they are part of La Rasa who openly advocate for the invasion of the Southwest United States for the purpose of returning it to Mexico. Yet despite this avocation, politicians like Nancy Pelosi will attend their meetings and pander to them so she might a few votes by openly advocating that we not enforce our laws when it comes to immigration. She’ our supposed, Speak of the House, third in line to be President, and she’s out telling people that our laws don’t matter and should be ignored when it comes to the Hispanic.

I can only hope that America wakes up and soon, because we are quickly loosing our country to the mentally ill politicians and the politically correct fools. I, for one, next May 5th will be proudly wearing my red, white and blue and treating it as the second Fourth of July. This America and the only way anyone will respect us is if we respect ourselves and we get rid of the politically correct politicians and display our pride as our fore fathers did. God Bless America!

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