Thursday, January 13, 2011

Heading to ilrelevance!

Did you even notice? There was a huge shift in power the other day. one that singles our (America's) demise.
Oh, we would blink out of existance in an instant, but we have started down the slippery slope to the junk heap of history. what Am I talking about? Well pay attention. Let's start with we havethe largest debt in the histroy of the world. Thennthrow in that our government is more concerned with taking away our freedoms and gaining control of our every day lives then building up our country's world position or our economy and then add China's new military. The stealth military. The day before our Secretary of Defense stop by their country to engage in talks on by lateral cooperation, they unveil their newest stealth fighter and talk about the other weapons systems. All of which will make ours obsilete, as in second best. We are no longer the world's super power. We are now no more powerful than France or England, soon if our leaders in Washington have theri way we'll be no more powerful than Cananda or Mexico and just as poor. America has some big problems to overcome and if we don't hurry, it'll be a case of could of, would of, should of as we pass trhe refired beans and rice donanted to help save the starving welfare state that used to be America and Tiawan will be a proveince of China one more without them having to fire a shot, because we would have the money of the technology to challenge them or defeat them. we'll just have to submit to them. Wake up America. What will you tell your children when the ask why you didn't do anything to stop America's collapse. Oh I know, you were tooo busy playing that new video game or to busy watching American idol.

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