Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blogging what's the point?

Few of you know that I'm an aspiring novelist. I actually have two books published by this date and a third about to be published. The wirting business is brutal. There is no way to promote yourself that doesn't require a ton of money so that is where I am. I am workimng very hard at raising or saving the money to pay of advertising that will hopefully generate more sales of my books. Thye have sold s few dozen copies but that's where it ends. I've tried all of the supposed money free ways to generate interest and have managed top genreate zero interest. I've joined over thrity social networking sites and have sold zero books on them. I have written blogs on four different sites and have generated zero interest in my work or my blogs. I have guess blogged on a couple of successful internet sites, over 100,000 hits a month, directed towards authors and have sold zero books attributable to having done so. I have also watched a previously unnone author run his first ad on facebook and promptly had a ten point increase in his sales. I have talked with book store managers that have seen unknown authors place their book on a bookstore shelf and not sell a single copy. His advise was to run ads and provide very good terms for the book store to get the book on the shelf. He felt that the two went hand in hand. Advertising and bookstore exposure. naother author stated that he strongly felt that getting accepted by libraries was the key to good sales. He claimed once his books started to be stocked by Libraries they started selling in th bookstores. So as a writer what do we do? I'm opting to try a very diverse approach. Firts I'm going to hire a book seller, someone to hawk my book at book fairs, then I'm going to pay to be listed in a library puchasing guide, then I'm going to pay to have a bunch more reviews generated and re-do book covers to carry them, then I'll be seeking to place my books in indepenedent bookstores and gift shops as well as hospital gift shops any way I can. Then I'm going to write more books and advertise them as well. It's all I can think of at the moment and so, if you don't hear from me on this or any other blog for a while, well I think you got the message. Blogs don't sell books. Check me out at Authorchriskeys.com and on facebook. Chris Keys

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