Sunday, March 21, 2010

The lost art of communication by Chris keys Author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!

I won't try to tell you I'm some expert on the topic of communication, or even spell it right, but I say I'm a fairly open and communicative kind of guy so I think I'm allowed some observations on the subject. Growing up people used to sit on their front porches and wave hello when you walked past. Sometime they'd even stop and stand around talking for several minutes. The neighborhood used to have community Bar-B-Q's and everyone watched out the others child. Not anymore. Everyone for blocks around knew each others name and where they worked. Today we're lucky to know if they're home.

A few years ago, I made a big deal out of the fact that people had stopped being neighbors, I was a small time politician then and lived in small town that was growing rapidly, people went to work thirty or forty miles away and when they came home they clicked the garage door opener and drove their car inside and clicked it closed again, without ever seeing or hearing a soul. Somewhere along the way, we became this society of recluses. If it weren’t for the internet I’d never tell anyone about my book due on this summer. It’s titled, Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! We hire people to mow our lawns and we shop on line. We don't go in the front door of our houses any more we enter through the attached garage. We hang out on the back deck, where we grill out almost every night but never invite the neighbor over; just wave as we head inside after grilling for the night. We've got so much to do with our cable TV, internet access and our private little world where we can be the focus even if it an empty way to live.

And along comes the social networking age, we're on Face Book, Myspace, Hi5, BeBo, YouTube and probably a dozen more I haven't bothered to find. We no longer write letters or talk on the phone, we e-mail and text message. People now interact on Farmville or Mafia Wars or Badge of Honor or whatever game is available on the net for free. We communicate in random snipets without ever meeting face to face. And then there's blogging. Oh yes, blogging, blogging, blogging! It's the new speed dating and get acquainted meeting site. It's the sales meeting, job interview, talent show and personal confessional. People will say anything and nothing while blogging, mostly nothing. They simply, for a simple analogy from a by gone age, talk just to hear themselves speak. That statement has had a long history of use from when phones first became the rage to the cell phone craze. It probably was first used when man first learn to speak and a few people just kept talking even when there wasn't any real reason to speak. It also sounds so much better than; they're clicking just to hear themselves click. Just not the same ring to it.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that all this new techno stuff may not be for the better. We talk less and less each day. We spend hours typing away in anonymity, safe from the retort of our verbal adversaries behind our monikers. We can ignore the give and take by just not reading the replies. But I must confess there is one positive for someone like me who wishes to write and to be read. People are rediscovering they know how to read. They read e-mails, text messages and every newly popular blogs. It's just another small step to everyone using something like a kindle to read novels. When that trend breaks, “I'll be a best seller”, for sure. Did I tell you the title of my book due out this summer, it’s Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! Oops back the conversation. Because I'm getting pretty good at writing, just to read what I have wrote! What was my point? That was it. as bloggers, we're all writing just to read what we have wrote! Chris Keys-Spread the word! Free lessons, in gibberish. Just pay $9.95 for shipping and handling. Honest it's free! Trust me! I used to be a politician!

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