Sunday, March 21, 2010

WHERE ARE THE WRITER'S? by Chris Keys-author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises!

Where are the writers?

by Chris Keys-Author of Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! Due out summer 2010

I've surfed the Net and I've looked under all the furniture but I can't seem to find them. Them? The writer's who have signed up on this and a few hundred other sites. As I surf here and there, I fine the same people exchanging comments or posting new work. More than half of the so-called writers who have signed up on a site, haven't written anything new, that they have posted, anyway, in over a year. On some sites the number of missing writers is almost ninety percent of those claiming to be members. It was one hundred percent of the members on another, I watched it for two weeks and they had nothing new posted at all. Needless to say I did not join that site!

I've found that it is awfully hard to write, while watching TV or going out to the bar or while hiding in the closet. Are you a closet writer? Someone who wants to be the next best selling author, but no one has ever heard of you and no one ever will, because you’ve never showed anyone anything you’ve written. Few if any closet writers ever get a book published, so the only conclusion I can reach, because you're not writing anything or if you are, you're not sharing it. Is your really not a writer but someone who wants to say they are but not actually do it. As a writer, if you do not post, no one can read it and if no one can read it. You’re not a writer! You can not have followers if you do not lead!

To be a writer, you have to believe you have something to say, that others, just can't wait read. You’re not politically correct or overly concerned, that the words you write will rub people the wrong way. You write and accept; and sometimes enjoy the controversy the writing may cause.

If you truly want to be a writer you take the risk of exposing yourself to other people, rather they be experienced pros or just someone who is trying to learn. It’s a big risk. It can be very humbling. I've had people provide feed back that has been hard to hear but it has been right and I needed to hear it!

If you're a writer, you want others to read what you have wrote and you can't wait until you can write again. You look for inspiration everywhere you go. You read books about writing and subscribe to writing magazines. You do whatever you can, to make yourself a better writer and you can't wait to post something new, even if it's just a comment.

What you are not, is someone who sits alone and scribbles feverishly in a darkened room, only to file your work in the circular file or in a drawer, under your underwear. You are not someone who shies away from criticism but accepts it and does their best to learn from it. You take each criticism as a challenge. Another stumbling block, that you have to conquer on you way to success.

So where are all the writers? I really wish I knew. ‘Cause I want to sharpen my skills and I can only do that with comments and feed back from from you! The writer’s of the world. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. You will never reach your full potential unless you risk ridiculed by your peers.

So write something would you? I'm tired of reading what I have written. I need, I want, new and fascinating works of fiction to feed my hungry brain. Feed me! If this sounds like too much work, while understand you are a reader and not a writer. That's ok. As a writer I need readers far more than I need another writer competing for the reader’s attention.

Chris Keys-Spread the Word- Author of “Reprisal! The Eagle Rises! Due out summer 2010

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